Projects & Presentations
In addition to direct service, I have a passion for writing and sharing. For me, writing is a mysterious dance between mind, heart and silence that gives rise to fresh insights and gives voice to the spirit. Formal and informal writing projects have often led to presentations which, in turn, refine ideas and renew the dance in the exchange.
My areas of inquiry have been -- and continue to be -- about bridging: bridging the theoretical with the experiential, the personal with the collective, the internal with the external, the East with the West, the intellectual with the physical, and the grounded with the sacred.
Current writing projects and presentations include:
- PARALLELS: The Core Ingredients of Personal and Collective Healing
- The Healing Process in Images and Metaphor
- OFF THE GRID: What does it mean to be On the Grid; how do you get Off; and what happens when you do?!
- Life in Africa, India and the US: What does Immersion teach us?
- Eastern and Indigenous Wisdom: From Words to Music and Movement
- Travel Writings
If these projects or presentations are of interest to you or your group, please contact me.
Copyright © 2020, Marilee Aronson. All rights reserved.