As a therapist, conscious traveler and yoga teacher, I have found myself inspired to synthesize and share some teachings that feel particularly relevant at this time. Please enjoy these invitations as we embark upon 2017.
It All Matters
Personal, political and collective planes of existence all matter right now. No one is necessarily more important than another. What’s more important is the state from which you approach your current environment:
Authenticity and Patience
This is a time for authenticity and thoughtfulness over branding and quick messaging. The world needs people who are reflective, wise, and willing to pause without necessarily knowing the next best step to take. We need people who can contemplate and recalibrate before acting, who work to avoid knee-jerk, anger-based, attention-seeking or vengeful reactions. Be real about where you are and how you feel. Allow your genuine experience to invite others to pause and reflect. Model the importance of inner inquiry, of listening to and for one’s own intuition, and of not acting rashly from a place of “should” or fear. Trust that your patient intuition will provide a guiding light for others tempted to act in the dark.
Radical Responsibility I: Inner Environment
Take responsibility for your own inner environment. Monitor what you ingest.
Radical Responsibility II: Outer Action
Take radical responsibility for your own decisions and actions.
Abundance vs. Scarcity
Now is the time for acting from a sense of inner abundance versus outer scarcity – from “both/and” vs. “either/or” thinking. Sacrificing your joy out of worry for the collective serves no one and dampens your own powerful light.
Daily Practice
Pause and set intentions at the start of each day. How do you want to approach the day? What is most important for you to believe in and to convey? Do not underestimate the power of quiet and intention to set the frame of each day. You are a leader and a model for those around you. The stronger your center, the more powerfully you will radiate. Believe in yourself and exude the energy you most want to see in your world and on our planet.
It All Matters
Personal, political and collective planes of existence all matter right now. No one is necessarily more important than another. What’s more important is the state from which you approach your current environment:
- Are you coming from a state of inner peace, compassion and unity?
- Or are you coming from a state of conflict, fear and separation?
Authenticity and Patience
This is a time for authenticity and thoughtfulness over branding and quick messaging. The world needs people who are reflective, wise, and willing to pause without necessarily knowing the next best step to take. We need people who can contemplate and recalibrate before acting, who work to avoid knee-jerk, anger-based, attention-seeking or vengeful reactions. Be real about where you are and how you feel. Allow your genuine experience to invite others to pause and reflect. Model the importance of inner inquiry, of listening to and for one’s own intuition, and of not acting rashly from a place of “should” or fear. Trust that your patient intuition will provide a guiding light for others tempted to act in the dark.
Radical Responsibility I: Inner Environment
Take responsibility for your own inner environment. Monitor what you ingest.
- Are your inputs expanding your sense of hope, growth and possibility?
- Or are they feeding your sense of depletion, fear and hopelessness?
Radical Responsibility II: Outer Action
Take radical responsibility for your own decisions and actions.
- Are you acting from an empowered place, aligned with your deepest values?
- Or are you reacting from a sense of powerlessness and victimization?
Abundance vs. Scarcity
Now is the time for acting from a sense of inner abundance versus outer scarcity – from “both/and” vs. “either/or” thinking. Sacrificing your joy out of worry for the collective serves no one and dampens your own powerful light.
- Are you acting from a sense of fullness and gratitude – for things just as they are and as you are?
- Or are you acting from a sense of lack, inadequacy and fear?
Daily Practice
Pause and set intentions at the start of each day. How do you want to approach the day? What is most important for you to believe in and to convey? Do not underestimate the power of quiet and intention to set the frame of each day. You are a leader and a model for those around you. The stronger your center, the more powerfully you will radiate. Believe in yourself and exude the energy you most want to see in your world and on our planet.
Copyright © 2017, Marilee Aronson. All rights reserved.